Terms and Condition of Energeia

We aren’t responsible for any problems or losses that might come from using or relying on the information on our site. As much as the law allows, we also won’t be liable for any direct or indirect damages from using our site.

Access to Our Site:
You can use our site temporarily, but we may change or remove it anytime without notice. We’re not responsible if our site is unavailable for any reason or at any time.

Intellectual Property Rights:
We own or have rights to all the content on our site, which is protected by copyright laws. You can print or download parts of our site for personal use and share it within your organization. However, you can’t change, use, or distribute our content for commercial purposes without our permission. If you think your intellectual property rights are being violated, please contact us.

Site Updates:
We regularly update our site and may change its content whenever we want. We might also suspend or close our site at any time. We don’t have to update any outdated information.

Your Information:
We handle your information according to our privacy policy. By using our site, you agree to how we process your information and confirm that it is accurate.

Malicious Activities:
You must not introduce harmful software, try to access our site without permission, or attack our site. Doing so is a crime under the Computer Misuse Act 1990, and we will report such activities to law enforcement. If you do these things, we will immediately end your access to our site.

Links to Other Sites:
Our site may have links to other websites. We don’t control or take responsibility for these sites or their content. Check their terms and privacy policies before using them.

Privacy Policy:
Our privacy policy is part of these terms and conditions.

We may update these terms of use at any time. Check this page regularly for changes, as they are binding. Some terms might also be updated elsewhere on our site.

Contact Us:
If you have any concerns about our site, please contact us by email or mail.